Some time ago I've seen a painting tip which said that you can use milk-frothers as mixing devices to mix your paints. It needs a bit of tunning but can really make your life easier. So today while I was shopping at Ikea, I saw some milk-frothers in the Kitchen section and decided to buy one and try it out. Here's how it looks:

It costs a pound (or 2$) and works on two AA batteries. Before using it to mix your paints you need to cut off the round element of the frother tip with a metal saw, make sure that the wire is 100% straight and bend the tip of the wire so it mixes the paint a bit better, like this:

Now you can mix pretty much anything:) It's simple to use and works great. Plus it's cheap:) What more can you want??
One tip is to use only one AA battery to power the frother, cause than the motor turns slower and it's easier to mix (at least for me). You will need some short wires and some tape to make it work but it's not too hard to do and it certainly helped me:) Also make sure the wire is 100% straight before bending the tip, or the whole wire will bend while turning resulting in paint everywhere you don't want it to be:)
Here's how the whole thing looks like:

I'm sure a lot of you already use this device, but maybe there's still someone who uses wooden sticks to mix his paint, so I hope this will be of some use:)
Happy mixing,