I am hoping someone can advise me on some questions I have.
I am trying to spray Vallejo model air and having huge problems with dry tip on my Iwata HPC. Now having done some research I can see that acrylics seem to be prone to this issue, fair enough I don't mind cleaning the tip if thats how it has to be, I am not in a position to spray enamals.
People have recommended using a retarder to reduce tip drying. Now, I have bought the Vallejo retarder but this is a Model Color product, not model air and as a gell I cant seem to get it to mix in the cup. Is this the right retarder for spraying or should I be using another product? Looking at other manufacturers most seem to imply that retarders are gells, are there liquid based solutions for airbrushing? I have also seen reference to Golden Airbrush Medium is this something I should try as well?
Thanks in advance for any advice
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Vallejo/Dry Tip/Retarder Question(s)
Posted: Thursday, October 19, 2006 - 02:03 PM UTC


Joined: December 22, 2004
KitMaker: 392 posts
Armorama: 227 posts

Posted: Thursday, October 19, 2006 - 02:10 PM UTC
I also use Vallejo paints through an Iwata HPC, so I know exactly what you're talking about! I've tried using various retarders thinking it would ease the tip-drying problem and honestly, I don't think it helped at all. In fact, I think it altered my paint reduction to the point I began sacrificing coverage. So, I decided that wasn't the answer to the problem. Now, I spray Vallejo Model Color with the tip protector off and when the dried paint starts collecting on the tip I simply brush it with a cotton bud moistened with distilled water. Seems to work just fine although it is a little "inconvenient", and care must be taken due to the exposed tip.
Mike Kirchoff
I also use Vallejo paints through an Iwata HPC, so I know exactly what you're talking about! I've tried using various retarders thinking it would ease the tip-drying problem and honestly, I don't think it helped at all. In fact, I think it altered my paint reduction to the point I began sacrificing coverage. So, I decided that wasn't the answer to the problem. Now, I spray Vallejo Model Color with the tip protector off and when the dried paint starts collecting on the tip I simply brush it with a cotton bud moistened with distilled water. Seems to work just fine although it is a little "inconvenient", and care must be taken due to the exposed tip.
Mike Kirchoff
Posted: Thursday, October 19, 2006 - 02:25 PM UTC
One of the reasons i posted was that was what I had ended up doing and had an "incident" with the needle
One of the reasons i posted was that was what I had ended up doing and had an "incident" with the needle



Joined: August 29, 2005
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Posted: Thursday, October 19, 2006 - 02:49 PM UTC
In his book Mig suggests adding 1 part of Model Air Gloss varnish to the paint before spraying through the airbrush. I have also found that it needs to be thinned much further than you they recommend to get a good spray ratio. I had no problems when airbrushing my 88mm through my Paasch before getting my HP-CH. But if you read all of the documentation on the vallejo site they do say that you may need to clean the tip as you work. I would suggest that you play around with the various ratios and pressures to find settings that work the best for yourself.


Joined: September 23, 2004
KitMaker: 23 posts
Armorama: 15 posts

Posted: Friday, October 20, 2006 - 02:54 AM UTC
I bought the crown tip for my Iwata for exactly the same reason. It helps to prevent the drying of the tip a little while the needle is still protected.
GOLDEN Acrylic Flow Release and GOLDEN Retarder are ok to use with Vallejo Model Colors. But you will have to experiment with different ratios. This one worked fine for me: 7+1+2+15 (water+retarder+flow+paint), but making this "magic mix" gets tiresome real quick.
I now use Model color and Future/Klear/Parket Plus (whatever it is called) on a 1 to 1 ratio. It works great for me, saves on paint and the Future acts a little as flow release and retarder. If you want a flat finish however you will need to add a little Tamiya Flat Base or Model Color Matt Medium (10 to 30 % of total mix)
GOLDEN Acrylic Flow Release and GOLDEN Retarder are ok to use with Vallejo Model Colors. But you will have to experiment with different ratios. This one worked fine for me: 7+1+2+15 (water+retarder+flow+paint), but making this "magic mix" gets tiresome real quick.
I now use Model color and Future/Klear/Parket Plus (whatever it is called) on a 1 to 1 ratio. It works great for me, saves on paint and the Future acts a little as flow release and retarder. If you want a flat finish however you will need to add a little Tamiya Flat Base or Model Color Matt Medium (10 to 30 % of total mix)


Joined: September 23, 2004
KitMaker: 23 posts
Armorama: 15 posts

Posted: Friday, October 20, 2006 - 03:11 AM UTC
Ooops, i didn't read your post thorougly. While i am talking about Vallejo model color, you are talking about model air.
I still think that the Golden retarder should work though, it is a gel, but much thinner than the Vallejo retarder.
I hope this helps
I still think that the Golden retarder should work though, it is a gel, but much thinner than the Vallejo retarder.
I hope this helps
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