for a future project I'm thinking of creating a scene, that is featured in a well known photo from the german offensive in the ardennes (Wacht am Rhein).
This is the picture:
For the Schwimmwagen I will use Tammiya's Schwimmwagen, which is already in my stock. I will also get a PE-set, but haven't decided on a particular one.
The figures are more of a problem. There is a Tamiya set "Frontline recon team" (MM253) that I also own and which represents a similar (not the same) scene. I also think that set is not so well done.
There is a great set by Jaguar called "Road to Malmedy" that will be perfect for the scene I want to depict:

Does anybody have info on the quality of Malmedy figures?
The Problem is the 3rd figure in the back pointing on the map. Does anybody have a good tip on a figure of a certain manufacturer that have a similar pose or could be used with a few modifications?
Thx for your help.