I working on a couple of trucks at the moment for Pier 5`. I was thinking about showing them as RA support vehicles.
Just some general questions:
The 15cwt I was thinking of using as th Sanitary Vehicle towing a Water Bowser. Apart from shovels and picks does anyone kow what other types of stores might have been carried in this type of vehicle. I was think some cut down oil drums with holes drill into the bottom section??? :-) :-)
Any suggestions for the Load for the Bedford, obviously their is pertol and ammo. I was wondering if any of the RA Support vehicles had other more interesting functions that I might included, maps, tables and that sort of stuff. It will be a basic QL model so I don't want to go into building cabins etc.
Any thoughts or idea most welcome.
One of the trucks is a very old one I had marked with the AOS 46, unfortunately I cannot remember what unti this represents :-) :-) :-)