I like the job you did on your Jadgtiger and your snow effect is very good indeed! I agree with the others... It looks COLD! However, I think the only way that we as modellers improve our craft is to listen to constructive criticism and try to learn from it. The faces on your figures are not all that well done in my opinion. The eyes are too large,and the general shading of the faces doesn't really bring out the detail. Some of this can be blamed on the soft features of the stock plastic figures. I suggest replacing the original heads with some aftermaket items such as Hornet or Warriors. Your painting skills will improve if you have bettere faces to work with. I'd also like to say that your camoflage smocks are completely inaccurate. The troops look more like they are wrapped in painter's dropcloths. A word about basic construction techniques as well... You left mold seams on several of the figure's arms and hands and there are mold seems also on your shell casings on the engine deck of the Jadgtiger. Removing mold seams is fundamental to modelling! I was a a judge just yesterday at Panzerfest 2006 and beleive me, leaving mold seams or not filling seams where parts are joined will definetly affect your score in a contest. I'm sorry for going against the grain of everyone else's comments but honestly, I beleive more experienced modellers are doing a diservice to you if they don't point out your short comings. How can you get better if you don't know what to fix? The composition of your dio is good, the snow and cold effect are great, (better than any winter scene I have done), it looks busy, and every figure interacts well with the others, and it tells a story which is always good. Keep it up and before you know it, your friends will be calling you Verlinden! Good luck!