Hi bazooka!
Not too hard to do 3 tone camo without AB.Just takes a little longer to set up. You need your red-brown and green paints in spray can format to do this though.
For 'soft' edge scheme you need to take an old white t-shirt and cut it up into random pieces no bigger than 4" square and not really any smaller than your thumb.Place your Marder on a pedestal about chest high(while standing) so you can walk around and shoot paint.Or,you can use a turntable if you don't have space for pedestal method.
Place/arrange strips of cloth on Marder to your liking with exposed areas to be painted with your first color.(doesn't matter which is first).Start with only a few open spots as you only want to paint about 1/3 of the surface if you are doing 3 tone. Shoot the paint from about 1 foot away and use light,quick shots.Hit each area from differant angles.When done,let dry about 20-30 minutes and then carefully remove cloth strips so that paint is not disturbed. you can re-use strips after paint is completely dry.Repeat this for next color.
For 'hard' edge cammo,use Silly Putty or Blu-Tack for masking instead of cloth and shoot as above.
Practice,practice,practice on old hulks untill you are confident.
Any cloth is OK as long as it is lint free.Terry cloth towel is a no-no.Should be light weight material with a tight weave to block paint where you don't want it.
HTH,sorry it's so long.