haven't been on here for absolutly ages, so long i had to great a new account!!
basically I have had one of the first trumpteter challenger 2 kits (i don't know if they have updated them or not since) for about 2 to 3 years - i haven't done anything on it except paint a couple of bits with primer, and attempted to use and air brush that I don't seem to get on with. Due to work etc I haven't done anything else on it.
I was wondering whether anyone could help me out painting wise:
I have been using a white primer on the kit (in fact I have to buy some more as I ran out) - would that be a suitable colour to use??
What shade of 'desert' would I be looking at - I mainly use Tamiya paints however I am flexible (bank balance depending!!)
Can you get a good look from using brushes as I can't get on with an air brush. I tried my fathers but it was just, well it felt alien for some reason, whether thats me being a lefted handed idiot or not I don't know!!
Also I have some Accurate Armour resin tracks. How on earth do you put these together (and bend them) as they come in little sections and obvioulsy the orignal rubber track is alot longer.
Apologies if these are really basic questions but I haven't done any serious modelling for about 10 years now.

Many thanks for your time