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I am doing a DML Jagdpanther commander version now, I have a question in regarding to the gun it carries, I am sure Armorama experts here can answer it.
The kit gun is a 2-piece barrel, and I had got a replacement from Clipper which is a mono-bloc barrel. I just wonder for a late version with a bolted on gun mount is a mono-bloc barrel okay or not. I had seen pics of a Late Jagd Panther with a mono-bloc barrle but looked like welded gun mount.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Dave !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- No, only the
early Jagdpanthers had the mono-bloc gun barrel. The gun mount being welded to the forward/front armor plate of the superstructure.
The mid & late production Jagdpanther had the 2 piece gun barrel. However the late JP's gun mount was
bolted to the forward armor plate &
the mid's was welded, same as the early JP.
THE LATE JP THAT YOU SAW .............WAS MOST LIKELY A MID, hence the latter info above. Dave I am totally impressed at the quick rate which you get your model's done. I probably will build 2 or 3 to your 10 or 12 ( lol )
- ralph