hello gusy...here some explanations about filters:
When I decided to create the SIN FILTERS, is because I was tired to make the same mixes for my models each time. Also, each day I prepared a new mix with different ratio, and never was the same with each model.
So..tired of this continue preparation, I decided to make it in large quantity for all my models, and....I used to share with other 8if others have the same problem than me)
of course it jsut make easy the modelling life, save time and problems...that's all.
Specially if anyone have problem mixing colors, or fining the right thinner, then it could be a soluction.
In fact , this SIN FILTERS is a soluction or a kind of help, but NEVER "a must" or DUTY.
This is why I recomend to all who have hability mixing colors or that have a very good thinner: DO by your self!!!!!
It must be easy if you follow the instructions or article guide. Not complicate.
But if you haven't enought time, or problems with your thinner, or you aren't enought good choosing the right color, it will help you a little.
In the begining we thought that a "car" must help us to move our self from a point to other place. But now....Acondiciner Air, MP3 player, GPS, Airbag, leather seats, electric windows......make our life easier cand more confortable.
This is Sin Filtres.
I hope it help.
ALl the best
PS. About which color to use for each case, I must write another article, because is the main problem, very common.
Sin industries Filters explain which kind of filter for which kind of base color. If we made by our self...you must ask this one to you:
1) How is my base color??? (too light, too dark, too bright, too dead, too poor
2) What we pretend to get filtering or model??' More variety, more rich surface, more union, more bright color, more dead color, more green look, more grey look, more subtil camo....
3) Then, what colors must I choose to get my desire look??
Add ocre or yellow filters to a green sherman where the base color is too dead green, or light green.
Yellow filter + Grey-poor-dead green = brightnest green, more life!