Good pics, Pete. Was wondering which manual they were in.
On the security thing, it matters not what you can access via someone's photos. Running the Armor Conference last year brought me into a new understanding on security.
Not saying you are wrong, but it's a good time to stand on that soapbox anyways, so here's my understanding from what I've received from our G2 on guidance from the CSA, VCSA, as well as others.
If it's For Official Use Only or higher, it doesn't get shared. This does not mean that unlcassified items are free game, to be distributed. It may fall into the sensitive, but unclassfied (SBU) category, where a piece here or there may add up to the whole.
On informatin from military manuals, each one has a distribution blurb in the front. If it does not say Distribution - unlimited, if someone were to take an issue with what is posted, the poster, if military or government civilian, opens themselves up for prosecution. Or at least investigation. Which is why I will not post items out of the Abrams TM's. *shrug* Great stuff, but it has a limited distribution. You can have an unclassified TM that is limited in it's distribution.
Same thing goes for tactics, techinques and procedures, although that's a more slippery slope.
Just please becareful. No doubt you get the same OPSEC briefs that I do, but it still boils down that a part here, a part there, maybe a little confirmation of something, and someone (who you may not think is an "enemy" in the traditional sense) has a good solid confirmation on something.
Ok, Security hat off. You do some excellent work, Pete, and it's always a joy to be able to troll the boards looking at your posts. And on this particular instance, you are perfectly in the right. Front page, down on the bottom (just pulled it down from the LOGSA site), it's "Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited". *grin* Hats off to finding it!
Jed Sargent