Hi Andrew,
Your sculpted looks very neet and nice.
May I permit one suggest ?
I think the way you place the arms looks as if the germans were tired to raise their arms higher. I guess that during the Buldge Battle, which were very tough for US guys, they were a bit nervous and fingers on the trigger, so that would encourage germans to raise their arm correctly and spontanously. Moreover since Normandy battles some germans played dirty tricks to allied when surrending, one of the sauqdron surrender whereas the rest ot the squadron ambushed the allied.
You could take into example the georgian legion set by Dragon. German arms form a 90° angle with the torso and 90° angle at the elbow.
The scene could depict a later moment when americanslead their prisonniers to trucks towards camps. But in that case they have no more weapons and then are not forced to up their hand..
That's my two euros touhgts.