Merry Christmas, everyone!
Hi Andy
Thank you for your kind words and interest in Alpine Miniatures.
Alpine's 1/35 line is designed to cater to AFV modelers and vignette
builders. This is why most of Alpine's 1/35 figures are tankers.
When I sketch out ideas, I tend to go for "general" poses that can be used
in several different settings. I like relaxed standing poses because I feel
that these types of figures would not only be more useful in many different
vignettes and dioramas but also they tend to look better standing alone on
top of a tank. An action posed figure has limited potential in this aspect.
This gets translated into sales, of course.
Also I have to make sure all the parts in a figure are casting-friendly. With
an action posed figure, it's more difficult to design and cast parts. And this
gets translated into clean and quality castings. FYI, it is not easy to design
a figure and its parts for "production" where a mold has to cast out multiple
parts many times over.
Most of the resin figure companies will tell you the same story. Before I started
Alpine, I used wonder why there were so many neglected subjects and poses
in 1/35 resin figures. Now I know there are good reasons for it

However, I plan to make a pair of grenadiers in action poses this year.
