Been a while since I made a post.
I just bought the Hohenstaufen Gen 2 figure set and I am very impressed. I am sorry they did not provide collar rank decals, I got plenty enough for a battalion in my stash. I put aside the winter dio, pneumonia knocked the wind out of my sails. So I am going with the summer SS combat stuff instead.
The above set should go pretty nicely with the older, standard Dragon Hohenstaufen in Arnhem kit.
Also, I am finding some other Waffen-SS figures that would be good for combat. Going through my stash has yielded some surprising results.
And, I have been spending some time mixing paint for different patterns of SS camoflage. Vallejo mixes so nicely.
I mentioned about decals, still got a good selection for completing those special hobnail stompers.
I have found some of my metal rank and uniform accoutrements I am going to be experimenting with.
I have bought a few extra Gen-2 kits to fix up a few older figures I really like. Some might say I am wasting money, but Dragon has made so many good figures over the years and they just need a little tweeking to look really great.(I guess I am strange that way)
I am glad to be back at my bench again after my illness and subsequent malaise.
Chris- your friendly neighborhood Waffen-SS know-it-all