This is my first time to post my build here because I just learned to upload pics to my gallery. hehe

Here are the mods I made:
-fixed lower front side of the turret
-added fender holdback bars using GI wire
-replaced headlight bushguards with styrene
-extended last side skirt with styrene
-replaced MG w/ a new .50 cal from Academy
-scratchbuilt gun cradle and ammo tray using soda can tin
-scratchbuilt APU
-replaced tow cables with wire and added tow cable hooks using soda can tin
-added detail on front side skirts using tin
Accessories are from Tamiya modern U.S. equipment set and Academy MG set:

Special thanks to the guys who helped by providing reference pics. And especially to Marcelo for the water boxes.
..more pics in my gallery. Comments and suggestions are very welcome