Guys, once again, thanks for all your nice comments, and continued support. Gives me the drive to keep it going and also to try harder.
Russell ... the zimmerit is from Attak. Great stuff and easy to use!
Alan ... I have quite strong lights ... four of them, and unfortunately this washes out some of the colours, especially those made with pastels. The tracks where the panther rolled on, are there, but maybe could be a bit more 3D, as you suggested. The wooden blocks are much darker in reality .. again finished in pastels to keep the colour flat.
I purposly kept this cleaner, as it is a newish tank that maybe broke down, as did happen more often than not. Its been driven, but maybe never seen battle.
Jereon ... the base colour for the planks was black, and then lightly sprayed over with buff .. letting the black show through. Then planks were dry brushed lightly with different colour (sand, light grey, buff, etc). Then all got a wash of burnt umber, followed by a black wash between each plank. The board pattern on the actual plastic is quite good and makes working it, easy. Im very happy with how these turned out!
Steve ... this tank is in the process of being loaded up ... this will become more apparent when the planned figures are added. They didnt use chains .. only the wooden blocks AFAIK, but a figure will be addings tarps over the muzzle, getting it ready for transport.
Miloslav ... the SSYS had a load capacity of 50 tons .. note the double axles on each boogie. The OMMR had the 20 - 25 tons capacity.
Rick, John G, Bill, Charles, Ayhan, Giacomo and John S ... thanks a million!!