I have no communications with the poster, but I did have communications with Phebus Creations. You can see the products here.
http://www.phebuscreation.comThe owner/sculptor, Alain Barrais, passed away in 2012 from a heart attack. I emailed the website a few times and received no replies until years later his wife replied saying that she sold the remaining kits he had with eBay France. I believe the website is now static (a dead website) and no one maintains it (hence the last news post was in 2012).
Alain did have one person working for him, but I doubt that person went on to continue the business.
eBay has a few of his figures left. His figures are now considered rare and collectible as they're the only ones made in 1/24 and 1/35 scale.
Alain was a very good seller and a visionary in the Sci-Fi figure market. He had great enthusiasm for the hobby and produced new kits each year. I do miss him and his products.