Hi James,
I Too had problems with the warpage of the roof.
It was around where the gun ring .
I imersed in warm water and reshaped to correct size.
The doors need a lot of work.
Jeff,I scraped away excess with the std exacto No 11 blade around the rear passengers door recesses and compared the doors against the 1/35th scale plans that come with the concord publication.Humvees in Iraq.
Just a tad out of scale from the comparisons .
I also had problems with the instructions which come with the detail set.
The instructions are good but there should be more to help the modeller .
The concord book is Excellent book for references.But if your over there who needs a book.
The middle door pillar will also have to be adjusted by plasticard to get the doors to fit in the right spot .
I found that the seats in the back needed to be sanded back to have them fit against the vents on the rear wall.
The seats in the back looked a little overscale to fit in the original position of the standard tamiya seats.I sanded the rear side of my seats a little to have in the correct postion .
This gave me a small amount of room to fit someone in the back .
I did not have any problems fitting the Nemrod figure in the drivers postion .
I cut the hand away from the figure so you can modify after the steering wheel is in place .
As per the images in the kitmaker gallery.

I have corrected the Humvee with the tyres from feedback off ML and Jeff Edgar here at Armourama .
My special Thanks go to Jeff Edgar and Paco who is the designer for the M1114 for some very valuable info to do a correct humvee!!