DML-7239 1/72 Avenger + M1037
DML-7242 1/72 Brummbar Mid Production
DML-7245 1/72 M1045 + M1069
DML-7263 1/72 SdKfz 251/6 Ausf C Command Vehicle
DML-7272 1/72 M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo Tank
DML-7278 1/72 Pz IV Ausf G Tank
DML-7279 1/72 Pz IV Ausf H Tank w/Armor
DML-7284 1/72 StuG III Ausf G Late Production 10.5cm
DML-7290 1/72 Pz III Ausf M/N Tank
I'll be trying to confirm (expand?) on this list in a couple of weeks when I speak to DML at Nuremburg...

Oh yes, add onto that list some Soviet subjects as well....