I like your finishing work, but there are 3 points I'd like to draw your attention to:
1. NO production T-34's had the two lugs on the nose plate ala Tamiya (check your refgerences and you'll see what I mean). These were added by APG to allow the engineless T-34's to be dragged around by U.S. equipment.
2. This is more of a finesse thing, rather than a research oversight and may have actually happened: the "plate" track was used for earlier vehicles (1941-early 1942) as they were found wanting in cross-country travel (they tended to slip).
3. In the rear shot, it looks like the left track is slightly toed in, but this could be the photo angle.
I'm not bringing these things to you attention to bash you or your model. I think it looks great and you've obviously got your finishing techniques nailed. But as an AMPS and IPMS judge, I would seriously hit you on #1, less on #2. Actually, in an IPMS competition here in the US, the model would be knocked out of the competition. Depending on the level in which you entered (and from the cleanliness of the build and the level of finesse in the paint/weathering I'd say you're an advanced modeler) you wouldn't medal. I know many people build for themselves, but having another set of eyes looking at a piece can show any errors present. Again, great finishing job. Happy modelling.