Hi DJ,
Ah, that's a bit of a technical question :-) :-) :-)
I'm not sure if I can answer you exactly. I mixed a small amount of Mig Brick Dist say what you would get if you dipped the long end of a tea spoon into the pot lol, lol. To that I added about two paintbrush drips of red and white which gave a nice soft pinkish colour. The whole mixture was very watery and I washed the buff numerous times building up the colout slowly each time. If it got a bit two bright I gave it a wash of dark umber with a little black and repeated the process over several days until the texture built up and established its self.
I had to make a couple of mixes over sereral days.
All done by hand, it was pretty much an experiment and I added numerous dark umber highlights as I built up the colour. Provided the base coat and any subsequent wahes have dried properly you can also rub a little brick dust into the larger surfaces. Towards the end I also used a little dark mud applied as a wash and then wiped off with a tissue to give some alternative deeper contrast on the hull and turret sides.
One big experiment really and I used the Mig Dust because it was the closest I had to pink and a drop of red and white gave me the colour I was after.
I just kept at it until I had what I felt looked right, but most of my painting is a big experiment :-) :-) :-)
I hope that helps a bit, and apologies I couldn't be more specific I just built the colour up over several days. Before the pics I added some light dust to the areas I felt it would accumulate on,.some I let settle naturally and some I rubbed in with a soft paintbrush.
Glad you like it, it took a few day to grow on me