I usually model German armour, so i've gotta get my act together for this one!
Basically i'm hoping that you guys can help me out with any tips, weakneses, strengths or anything else you know about this model, plus some suggestions for a few AM upgrades.
Now I don't want to go overboard as it was a present, and the girlfreind will get a bit miffed If I replace 50% of the kit with new parts. Also i'm not a 'rivet counter' and so don't mind about tiny technical inaccuracies with the kit, though on the other hand i'm not afraid of a little bit of scratch building to significantly inprove the quality of something. I'm basically thinking along the lines of.....
- An aluminium barrel to replace the plastic one.
- Some suggestions on detailling the inside of the hatches which I would like to show open, without going to mad with PE.
- Early or late cupola suggested? (I like the late but periscope slots don't look very convincing)
- Instructions suggest joining the track first, then fitting it. - Will this work ok? Ive had so much trouble in the past when this refuses to fit, and no side skirts to hide the join behind if it goes wrong!
- Any decent reference pics/sites for this model.
Aside from that it seems a nice (if a little basic) kit and i'm looking forward to it. Just get those tips and suggestions in!