Greeting all,
I'm glad you like the subject, it was a really interesting one for my first attempt at converting anything, so whilst not up there is the super league I think it didn't turn out too bad. The thread that ran with the build was one of the most interesting I've been involved in and my thanks to all those who contributed with help and information especially 'The Bear'.
There is some debate as to whether or not the V shaped bow was actually used. However, the offical diagrams show it, and as that would have been the weakest part of the waterproofing I went with that, and although now hidden there is a waterproof jacket behind it.
The top vent into the fighting compartment is perhaps not 100% accurate. I believe there should be an angle rather than a gentle bend but I never found a picture of that stack, so went with what I had. The inside of the vent into the fighting compartment was a best guess as again no pics came to light at that time.
I have the pics of the plans if you are interested. Re the various bits, I used the Tamiya Grant, early lights, early suspension, bins and a saw to convert it to the early version. Some scratchbuilding and alterations are needed to the interior also. The tracks came from one of the M4A1s I currently attempting to build and the raised sides were cut from plastic card. The Trunking is from the Italeri M4 Marines Sherman, and the 3 piece transmission from a Tamiya M4.
It was a really fun build, I originally submitted the pictures well before last summer, but Vinnie lost them
Point noted on the decals, something I'm still not comfortable with but the rope passed inspection last time and rope is rope I suppose.!!! lol, lol. I have a home planned for it and after the build it turned out that the Canadian ML should have the grey background. If I ever find 2 I'll change them.
Thanks for the input guys and with the possible arrival of the New Academy M7 there will be other possibilities.
I have to say that I enjoy the build so much I immediately bought another one :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) , which I hope to do an an early in the Western Desert.