Thanks for the comments everyone, much appreciated.
Ah yess...the tank rounds. I have taken those off and am painting. Thankfully my pains weren't packed up yet. And those brass rounds, after looking at the pics, REALLY do stand out too much. I'll actually paint them a mixed colour of brass with several light filters to tone it down. And I gotta paint the tip of the round black with the red band.
Originally, the concept had a much larger of the building, but a couple of problems arose, all made even bigger by the serious shortage of time. Noticeably, the street section is WAY too clean, and there is not nearly enough dust for such a large collapse of material.
Basically, I cast (or tried to, being a more accurate description) a large outer wall. Unfortunately, it leaked. THen I tried it again, with more weight and support, and some mysterious force (no one's admitting anything) knocked it over. Thus, after several nights of messy cleanup, I got fed up, and just fashioned what I could of the salvageable remnants. I'll have to take this as a serious lesson for the next one.