Haha. We all get lazy. Me too.
Seriously, I can spot errors and flaws, but often I'm powerless to correct the myself. I've seen so many great looking models here, on TL, ML, etc., that after a while you know what to look for. Plus, over the years, I've built about 10-15 Shermans/variants of various manufacturers. I've dumped some on ebay, refurbished others, and have now done 4 the right way, mostly, plus am almost done with 3 more, plus have 16 more to build on the shelf!
So I've become pretty good with the Sherman. Ask me about Tiger or Panther wheels, etc., and then I'm in territory with everyone else.
I think you'll be pleased with the effect of the styrene strips, especially once it's painted.
Looking forward to seeing it move along....