I thought that the 1st of March would be a good date for my first posting in this campaign.
Happy Birthday Major Ivan Hirst

A bit of a background on the Major and his involvement with VW can be found [urlhttp://www.worldcarfans.com/classics.cfm/classicid/5060306.001/country/vw/volkswagen/the-british-major-who-saved-volkswagen]HERE[/url]
Now on with the campaign.
The kit is Italeri No 6426 Volkswagen Typ 87

I intend to make it up as one used by British Forces in Germany 1945/47.
Inside the box there are 4 light grey sprues, one clear and the body shell. Two of the sprues are the old Italeri Afrika Korps set.

Assembly is straight forward and shouldn't pose any problems

Stage 1 - Suspension

and already it's starting to look like a good old VW

More to follow
