Overall, mit's quite good for a first timer. I like the general feel of the scene. The rust of the spare track is very convincing and the French newspaper is a nice touch. Construction looks pretty solid, though there's a bit of silvering on the galcis star.
Some things to think of...the relatioship between the figs in front of the tank not very strong. The BAR guy looks too stigff (and is back on his heels) , He'd look more natural if he were cradling the gun under one arm or was holding the muzzle with the stock on the ground.
The guy lifting the bedroll could have his left hand repositioned. As it is, it looks like he's lifting the roll on hte back of his hand.
I'd recnsider teh guy aiming out the window. While he might be guarding the guys below, they look too casual lto need that.
But, all in all, a great start in dioramas.