As some of you will know I'm starting a series of dioramas depicting scenes from Market Garden, namely Arnhem/Oosterbeek in 1:35th and intend to start with the Hartenstein Hotel.
I've already had help from various Armorama members and the offer of help from others all of which is and will be invaluable for this project.
My last diorama was well received by you guys and I got some superb comments, and since the dio base was entirely scratch built and came out 'not to bad' I've kicked myself ever since for not doing an SBS for anyone interested. So this time I plan to start at the very beginning and show how I build a dio from start to finish - not an original idea I know but then again I've never done it before!
I'm going to start by showing a sketch or two that I like to make whilst just sat in front of the tv, these are only creative ideas, not too accurate but they're a way of getting all the little ideas out of my head and on to paper for later reference. I found that after building the last dio (images in my kitmaker gallery) I'd forgotten to put in certain bits and bobs I'd wanted to originally - which was a shame, so these sketches are my way of remembering to do stuff. No base has been cut at this stage but I have started on the Airborne jeep and several figure conversions (more to follow).
This sketch depicts a couple or three figures I want on the hotel steps, I'll have to convert them from stock or sculpt them myself but you'll get the general idea...

I hope you like, if anyone has any comments or ideas I'd like to hear them.
I'm also still gathering information so if you have anything that you think might add to the authenticity of the final piece then I'd be very grateful.
Thanks for looking, and watch this space.