Hi guys, thank you for the comments I'm greatly appreciate.
Yes I made a little mistake on the canvas cover by leaving some fingerprints on it, and I odd to be careful next time.
IDF paint colours are the hot topic of discussion amongt the modellers, and according to the book "Merkava a history of Israel main battle tank" by Marsh Gelbart, he mentioned that " The paint appplied to all the IDF armoured vehicles is correctly referred to as Sinai Grey. This designation is accurate but in reality can be somewhat misleading. In fact, since the mid 1980s, the color ususally used is more a matt oive-drab with a slight greyish tinge....."
So base on this statment, I basecoat the tank in olive-drab and leave it to dry over night. Next I added a little of dark yellow to the OD and spray on the horizontal surfaces, when dry I added an dark grey color to the OD and 90% diluted overall mist the model layer after layer until the desire effect you want.
Next comes the fun part weathering; I used raw umber, ochre, paynes grey oil paints over the surface and with a flat brush soaked in thinners brushed in a downward direction which really dirty up the tank.
Next I painted the model with a mixed of weathering powder with water and once it dried a large dry brush was used to remove the dusty mixture leaving only the places where it should settle.
Overall it is a very good built, even it is an old kit from Tamiya, but still look decent.
Thank you