Here's what I do (it's cheap BTW)...
I build up elevated ground by taking paper and making it into balls. I then take masking tape and tape them to my base. I cover up any holes with masking tape. Prime the entire thing. Then I get some sand (if you live in a desert, or near a body of water this should be very easy to find). Sift all the extra debris out (larger rocks, twigs, bugs, grass, etc.) with a screen. Be sure to get ALL of the non-sand stuff out. Then mix it with color of acrylic paint you want the dirt to be. Mix it until you get the consistency of freshly made Malt-O-Meal, maybe a little thicker. This is what I call "Sandpaint". Now use a brush to "dab" it on. Fill in cracks then go over the entire area, covering all the masking tape with this stuff. Let it dry and then maybe go over it again with another layer, perhaps of a lighter shade, and then add your bushes, grass, etc. The masking tape makes it easy to insert field grass. Actually, before adding your bushes and stuff, you might want to paint blotches of different shades of dirt. Since some areas have richer dirt than others it would look more real that way. Do it at random though.
-Brad Cossey
“My idea of beauty includes rust, mud, dents, and paint chips.”