Hi Randel,
Yip, the parts could be labled wrongly or something left out. I don't have a British stowage diagram for the M4A1 but I know the rear tools were positioned differently. This is mentoned in the Osprey M4 SHerman Modelling Manual in relationship to the tools on the rear hull above the engine.
Dpending on how you inturpret the part it ciould be either lol, lol
I used the diogram from the Op Swallow Book by Dennis Oliver and on the last page it gives a Top view showing the tools on the rear RHS and this shows a pick shaft. Strangely no pick head though lol, lol. No sign of the crowbar either.
There's a further query which I couldn't find an answer to and that is the fitting of a Helmet Rack. This is not the railings along the hull side but something else. However, it remains a mistery lol, lol
The addition of a crowbar appears on the Mk III but sitting much further forward, with the matlock beside it on the inside and the remainder of the tools including the shovel stowed on the rear RHS.
Pick shaft workes for me though, the shape seems wrong for a crowbar.
I'd agree this is a grand little kit. I'd like to do a deep wading version so I hope they re-release it with some upgrades as I have some great pics of them being landed in Normandy.
My thoughts anyways and thanks for the feedback.
Edit: Re the tools, those are the standard British Army digging tools that I believe have been around since WW2.