thnx guys for comments.
stuart, the long grass is from woodland scenics, its very good, i reccomend it, paint bristles are good, but sometimes they can be stiff and not realistic.
honeycut, thnx for input, i thought the pickets were fine, so how thinner should i go, half the size that they all ready are? yeah i was going to have tiles, but thinking of maybe something else, perhaps straw, or something, any sugestions, its in normandy by the way.
and dont worry about the guy with the benoculars, he goes with the story and that will be revealed when dio is completed ( there will be germans in house with gun aiming out of hole, etc)
oh and i with the rubble and all, dont worry i havnt done any of that yet.
what do you guys think of my terrain, shrubs, and grasses, do they look realistic, should i paint the grass. oh and the road will be different colour, its going to be a light sandy colour.
p.s. honey cut, lol im in melbourne, i dont know why it says capital, lol