I took a bunch of leftover parts from both Tamiya and Academy kits and integrated them into this "frankenstein". Most of the stowage also came from the spare box. The big yellow decals were taken from (again) leftover sheets of Tamiya M113, the others were printed at home using Testors decal paper. Pint was done with Humbrol enamel as primer, Vallejo Acrylics for base coat and details, washes and weathering with artist oils, MIG pigments and Tamiya weathering stick. Also used, for first time, an Eduard Zoom PE set. Tough time bending....
The vehicle it´s based on an actual vehicle used by the Chilean Army in the early 70´s. This one only differ from my references in being "112" instead of "110" as in the real one. The reason, didn´t have a "0" and the printed one didn´t came up well as I espected.

Comments welcome as usual
Thanks for looking