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Herb; Thanks for all the great info you knock around all the time. Im curious why on the late war Panther G did they only do the last set of road wheels? Seems like a total interim step to me. Can you fill me in?
Thanks, Byrdman
Why MAN as the only factory added these wheels is not known. MNH who was also still producing Panthers as did DB finished their Panthers with rubber rimmed wheels.
DB however is said, curtosy of MAN officials during interogation, to have delivered Ausf. F hulls with steel wheels in staggered pairs mounting Ausf. G turrets.
It can't be something like a shortage of rubber rimmed wheels at MAN as the only other factory using the same steel wheels until the end was Henschel, and they finished their Tiger-Bs until the end with all wheels fitted.
Some have said it was due to rubber rim failure on the last station, caused either by the centre of gravity or the recoil of the tank while firing.
It is further strange that MAN did use these single station steel wheels as the reason for NOT introducing the full steel wheels running gear into production was that it caused broken guide teeth. Perhaps this was caused by only the first set of steel wheel after the sprocket.
But, bottom line, there is no answer as to why MAN mounted steel wheels at the last station.
Now, let's talk about the E-50 running gear on the Panther F...