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A turret roof would prevent an easy entry and exit for the gunner from the hatch.
To the best of my knowledge, the gunner neither exits or enters the vehicle through the roof.

However, in the even the humvee flips on its side, the roof could be made to be completely detachable. Its all about how much engineering and imagination you put into it. In the event of a roll over, I would assume with or without a roof on the turret, there is a very good chance the gunner would be killed, at which point, this will not serve as an exit either.
Someone mentioned a roof would protect from having a grenade tossed inside. Well, if you put this thing in an urban environment, and the Humvee gets stuck by a road block, or traffic or any obstruction in the road where it either slows down or stops, and yeah, that turret will make a nice funnel for a grenade. I still say add a roof.
PS - sorry about the M4 comment. I looked quick and thought it had the shorter barrel and a full stock. Kind of like Knights SR16.