As the picture that Dave send shows, the fuel tank has COVEX ends on both sides.
This is not correct and shows that the person that modelled the the Fonderie model , just as the CMK model never saw an original truck,
The fueltanks have one CONVEX side and one CONCAVE side (een kant bol - andere kant hol)
If you go to then to GASOLINE Truck,
you will see what I mean.
I have not tried it myselve , but in my view it can be solved by the following.
If you place the tanks on some kind of rail behind each other, with some clinging plastic foil over the rear side of the front tank, jou could build-up
the rear tank with some 2 component car filler and push it to the tank in front.
This will shape it convex and after drying can be filed to the correct outer shape.
Switch the tanks and repeat.
Hope it helps
Ron Perry
[email protected]Wheels of