Dan, as to how I use the Liquid Plumber, simply add a little bit to a plastic container, like Rubbermaid etc, insert the parts, and in about 5-10 seconds, you will see the plating disappear. Remove the parts, rinse under some running water, and you're in business. The remaining LP can be rinsed down the drain since this is where is was designed to go in the first place. There usually isn't an odor with it as well. While brake fluid will work, the issue of what to do with it once you're done can be a problem. Oven cleaners are hard on the nose and eyes sometimes. Haven't used Simple Green for this so I can't comment on it, other than it is easier on the nose and eyes, almost pleasant in fact. Ammonia, again, hard on the nose and eyes. As suggested, I'd reccomend wearing some rubber gloves and glasses to protect your hands and eyes in case of any splashes. Hope that helps. "Q"