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Maybe you could share your method for painting small scale figures?
Thanks Hisham!!!
Glad you like it
For painting small scale figures the most important thing is a
very steady hand. It is also important to have good quality brushes.
I use Vallejo acrylic paint which is waterbased.
Let's say that I should do a green shirt, first I mix the green that I
want for the shirt. Then I mix the same green with a little black
to make the color for the shadows. This darker color is mixed with
water to make it very thin and almost transparrent so I can build
up the shadows layer by layer. The same goes for the highligt
color which I mix with white and a little flesh color. Same thing
with very thinned paint and building up the highlights.
When working with very thin paint, it is important to have a towel
to wipe off the excess paint in the brush. If you don't do that it is
very easy that it flows out all over the figurer since it is so thin.
The good thing about acrylics is that you can clean the figure
very easy if something goes wrong and try all over again.
I use window washer fluid for the cars wiperblades to do this...
I hope this was a little help for you