I just started another project tonight building Tamiyas 1/35 sturmtiger. I planned to build this one straight from the box but am already seeing things i may try to improve (etch for the vents for a start). hing i find interesting about this kit is that there seems to be a bit of internal detail on this model but no sugeestions anywhere in the manual to leave things like hatches open. I can easily see that the level of internal detail is lacking but thought i might use this kit as "learning" kits for concentrating on making internal details. This is something I haven't really gone into before but this kit is so interesting i simply cannot resist. Sooo what I'm wondering is if anyone knows of any reference on what the internal structure looks like?? I'm not quite at the stage of many here with my scratchbuilding (or any other building come to think of it

oh by the way....i bought 5 kits all tamiya...sturmtiger, tiger I early- mid and late versions and jagdpanther late version from a guy in japan on ebay and saved myself alot of Aussie dollars. Not sure how much these kits usually go for in the US but i bought each one for $19.99. I can recomend this ebay seller to anyone and have actually spoken to him on the phone. If interested private message me and ill let you know his id.
God i sound like i'm trying to drum up business for him.......but if you can get a good deal on a kit its all worth it.