Thank you Chris and Jacques.
I'm currently fighting with a MT-LB 6MA and its totally warped hull but I know I can make it
This kit comes in the "old" SP resin which is very soft and easy to work with. The hull is now assembled, the roadwheels arms are set and I think I'll work on the track assembly soon. Less air bubbles than on the T-80 but a huge gap at the bottom of the rear plate and tow large "holes" where the idlers must attach. This has been fixed with thick plastic card and some putty.
Pictures will follow.
Jacques, do you have pics of the turret rear ? Some show the SGD rack in the BTR-80 fashion, some simply don't. Which one is the most common ? I can't find any definite data about the fielding of this version. My guess, up to now, was that it is an "export exhibition" version. Am I right ?