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Mikä aari te läksytys jokseenkin?!
Eeeeewhat?!? I'm sorry, that makes precisely zero sense in Finnish. It reads "What acre you critique somewhat?"
Yeah, the primary light source in each picture is the window behind my desk. My room actually doesn't have a regular light at the moment, so proper lighting has been something of a problem.
I've used washes very cautiously because of my background in gaming figures and very bad experiences therein. I've also struggled with getting a good paint coverage with just a brush, as is evident in the 8Rad. I'll probably be working on weathering the Kubel and Tiger next, as soon as I fit the last few bits on the former, including the roof frame with etched supports.
EDIT: And yeah, a sherman will be in my future, as soon as I figure out what the best model is for a relative newbie (regular Sherman, not a Firefly). Also, my paint table has a Sturer Emil, Panzer IVE and a Maus all biding their time.