And hastilly applied finishes chipped pretty easy(whitewash or DAK camo often chipped back to the base color). Like everyone says, check your refferences. I think some of the better effects are lighter scratches(like marring the paint but the same color), marks in the weathering, and scratches through camo colors to the base coats. Some models end up looking worse then ones recovered from lake beds 60 years later though. Search for chipping techniques, theres quite a few ways to do it, from grains of salt between color coats to oils, very complicated multi-color wear through marks, liquid mask for peeled off areas, and simple pencil lead on the edges for good ol' grime. Not to mention how you use it tells a story-chipping from removing/replacing bolts for maintainence, to taking fire, to scratches from running through heavy brush or debris from running through rubble.