To begin at the beginning, Formations are a company which produce a series of indispensable detail and conversion sets for both the Sherman and the Stuart. Their products are now the first 'port of call' for anyone converting or 'accurizing' these vehicles in 1/35th scale. These three new sets will find an immediate market amongst the 'Shermanholics' amongst us...
Formations Models produce resin update sets, conversion sets and parts which serve to make the Sherman (and Stuart) modeller's life just that little easier. This time, the releases are ALL for Sherman variants with one release in particular (IMHO) especially welcome!
Formations is a company which has made its reputation on producing a wide range of conversion and update sets for the Sherman and Stuart in 1/35th scale. A few months ago, they began to add Stuart components to their catalogue. With these new releases they continue this process and add some more useful sets...
Formations Models have just announced their latest releases. Two conversion enhancement sets for the M4 Sherman and one for the M3a1 Stuart.....
Once again, a series of new releases from Formations Models have been announced. Curiously enough, the new releases from this excellent company are (for me at least) are becoming more exciting than the releases from the 'big boys' such as Dragon or Academy...
Here are the new releases from Formations, and you may be suprised to read, its not all sherman parts!

Formations Models are now in the position, that for any serious Sherman modeller, they are the first 'port-of-call' for anyone looking for enhancements/conversions for Sherman kits. These new releases can only enhance this reputation....