During Vietnam War, U.S. Soldiers on the battlefield usually heard ugly sounds like an M-60 peppering the enemy, an exploding grenade, scream of a wounded soldier or rotor noise of an Huey engine, so they needed to hear something smooth and rhythmic to clean their ears, relax and motivate them during breaktime. For sure, that was
Blues and
Rock. To create such a scene; Vladimir sculpted a new pair of GI’s at rest.

B6-35066 U.S. G.I’s Delta Blues includes two soldiers playing music; one in standing pose and other sitting on jerrycans.
The kit comes in standard light brown cardbard box labeled with a photo of the assembled and painted figures.
Figure bodies are inserted in seperate zip-lock bags, arms and other parts are lumped together in a third bag.
Parts are cast in grey resin and represented with the casting blocks. Resin quality is good, details are clean and sharp. No casting mistakes or excess resin on the review samples,just a very small air bubble to fill on the top left side of bonnie hat. A few seamlines inside legs and arms need to be cleaned.
Figure depicts an Afro-American GI who plays an harmonica in a standing pose and comes in 3 pieces ; full body with head and two seperate arms. Facial details like curly hair, high cheek bones, large lips and closed eyes like he passed out when blowing his harmonica are well represented. He has a head scarf tied on the back and carries 3 beaded necklaces -2 short and 1 long with a pendant.
He wears
OD T-shirt with cut-off sleeves,
Tropical combat trousers with cargo pockets and
Vibram sole jungle boots with half tied laces.
Arms are posed to play his harmonica and show nice muscular details. He carries a wristband style watch on left arm and a leather wristband and a metal bracelet on the right side.
He is posed sitting to play a guitar. Facial details, especially tilted mouth as having a cigarette on right side, necklace and bare chest details are well defined. Top of head is cut for easy fit of headgear.
He wears 2nd pattern Tropical Combat Uniform with a metal buckle web belt. Jacket is open front showing his tummy, trotters of the trousers are upfolded and figure is represented in bare feet.
He has a different type boonie hat with round designs around the crown. Probably a special or local production.
Arms with upfolded sleeves are posed to play a guitar with right hand on the body and left hand on the neck of guitar. He has a wrist watch on the left hand.
Boots are given as seperate parts to display next to the figure. Socks buried into the boots is a nice touch.
Guitar can be painted in wood as in boxart but if you want to show your painting skills on this figure; this one will be a good choice. Strings should be scratched from thin copper wire or plastic by heat-and-stretched sprue technique.
Two jerrycans,each cast in one piece, one with open lid will serve as the seat of GI with guitar. X-shaped indentations, G and US markings are well defined. 4-lug screw lid and 3-row handles are given as seperate parts.
A water slide decal sheet with different nametags, sergeant ranks, shoulder insignia for different units like 1st Cavalry, 1st, 9th, 23rd, 25th Infantry Divisions and Military Police, is given inside the kit. It also includes decals for MP helmets.
Unique figures to make realistic Vietnam at rest scenes. They can be combined with 35065,35067,35072 and some others for a basecamp diorama.
Very Highly Recommended