We've all done it. We've all decided at some point to attempt to add that little bit extra to a model we are building. It might be because we're simply unhappy with the finesse of the kit, or it might even be Advanced Modelling Syndrome (AMS)! Whatever the reason, most of us will have undergone the frustrating experience of thumbing through that newly-purchased and eagerly awaited tome on the Sturmgetigerpanzer II Ausf T, only to find that it actually contains everything we never actually wanted to know on the said vehicle, and manages to completely avoid showing us all the things we really wanted to see!
Well in future, when you begin to feel the symptoms of AMS, check out
'Toadman's Website and see if he has a disc containing the vehicle you're thinking of modelling.
the cd
The CD arrrived in a slimline jewel case, professionally presented and labelled. The insert inside the case is a list of the contents
Table of contents
Superstructure Exterior
Hull Exterior
The CD will autostart in on a PV running windows, and a small slip insert gives instructions for starting if you are using a MAC system. It uses a web-browser based system, which is extremely user-friendly and makes it very simple indeed to find the photograph you're looking for, or even just to browse the 281 high quality photographs on the disc. They are high quality too, given an average file size of around 300kb.
The photographs themselves are individually captioned, which make it easy to find the exact picture you're after, and this is an absolute must from the modeller's point of view. The vehicle itself is described as a mid production Stug III G, probably produced in April/May 1943. It was originally produced for the Finnish Army, and wasn't 'retired' until the early 60's, whereupon it eventually found it's way to the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation in Portola Valley, California. For those of you as yet unaware of this private Museum, it was founded in 1998 by Jacques Littlefield and is now a Foundation that has restored a myriad of differnet miltary vehicles from around the world. The vehicle was restored back to its original German specifications between 1998 and 2002.
I could not find one area of the Stug III unphotographed on the disc, or one unclear or out of focus picture. For the modeller they are absolutely ideal, and will allow you to go as far as you want in adding those extra details to make your model something special.
An absolute must-have reference for anybody thinking of building a Stug III G.
Toadman's Tank Pictures can be obtained directly from the
'Toadman's Website or can also be purchased from
Tiger Model Designs
I'd like to thank
Chris 'Toadman' Hughes for supplying the review sample...
Highly Recommended