This is the second set of The Generation 2 figures from Dragon, and this time it's the early war Germania regiment in France around 1940 that gets the honours. Dragon have really done their homework with this set as regards small arms which I'll get to in a moment.
The set includes four figures, one kneeling ocer carrying a Kar 98 rifle. The second figure is kneeling down looking at a map and holding a schmeisser macine pistol. The third figure is standing, carrying ammunition containers for the MG34, whic I found a little odd since none of the figures have a MG34. It's the fourth figure that's the most interesting. He seems to be carrying a captured Bren Gun at first.....but it's not. It looks like a Czech manufactured ZB26. There was a great shortage of MG34's in the early part of the war, and when Czechoslovakia was occupied, the Germans began using ZB26's manufactured at the Breda works, using these as a stop gap solution to the shortage.
the parts
On close examination, these figures are amazing! The breakdown of the parts is amazing! The detail moulded onto the small arms supplied in the kit is astonishing. I'm quickly going to run out of superlatives for this set. They have hollowed muzzles. The bolt mecahnisms come as separate parts, with tiny, but perfectly formed ammo clips! The photo etched fret included doesn't have the Swastika the wrong way around anymore.....look closely and you'll see a representation of a swastika that is symmetrical, and so gets around the problem of representing this symbol in certain countries, which is illegal. On this fret you'll find all the insignia, badges, and medals that you could possibly want, AND you'll have a fair few over to dress up those other 'none' Generation 2 sets you probably have!
As with the first Generation 2 set, the detail on the figures kit is amazing. From bread pouches with stitching, to ammo pouches with detail moulded onto both sides. Open pistol pouches, water flasks and canteens with separate tops! The decal set included gives us a good set of roadsigns pertinent to the period. I would have liked to have seen on this the cuff garters for the figures though. Apparently there are, on average, 60 parts to each figure. This includes all the figures kit and obviously the separate faces that thses figures come with. regarding the faces, don't be put off by thinking there is going to be a seam to cover up there. They are thoughtfull moulded along the line of the helmet strap, so if you're careful, there shouldn't be any extra work there.
in conclusion
Another fantastic set of figures from Dragon that continue the amazing trend they began with the 'Korsun Pocket - 1944' figure set. I can't wait for the next release!
My thanks to Dragon for the review sample.