the book
Auriga Publishing International provide us with this 78 page full color booklet dedicated to the late version, as seen in Iraq, of the Italian armored vehicle Centauro in its Italian and Spanish versions.
The texts and captions are in Italian and English.
The book is divided in two main parts, one for each country, plus two annexes about profiles and color plates. The Italian version is of course the most covered one.
After a short foreword, there are 107 color pictures: 91 for the exterior (42 of the hull, 14 of the gun and its travel lock, 35 of the turret), 12 for the interior (4 of the driver station, 5 of the turret basket, 3 of the rear troop compartment), and 4 for the engine out of its compartment.
The vehicle presented in its barracks is clean and without any crew gear stowed on it, therefore allowing good pictures of the various parts. The hatches and doors are pictured both closed and open. All the black stencils are covered by close-ups.
The Spanish version is presented with a foreword and 50 pictures. Thirty of them are close-up shots intended to show the differences between both versions. The others depict the vehicle as it would be in the field. The Spanish language stencils replacing the Italian ones are nicely represented. Two left-side black and white profiles, one for each country, are provided with the technical data.
The colour plates chapter shows the left profile again. Five concern the Italian vehicle in Bosnia, Kosovo and of course in Iraq for the operation Antica Babilonia. The 3 Spanish plates are less interesting as the details are so small that they are hardly seen. The last plate shows a vehicle camouflaged with mud as shown in some color pictures. Interestingly enough, the 3rd cover page is an advertisement for the Model Victoria Centauro models of the long and short versions.
in conclusion
This book is a must-have for all interested by this vehicle or those wanting to build the kit. My only concern is the lack of pictures of the running gear and especially its complex suspension. No doubt, the internet can fill this gap.
Highly recommended.
A review of Model Victoria's Italian AFV B1 Centauro Long Version, can be found