Miniart are a fairly new firm from the Ukraine, and are chiefly known for producing some very nice buildings in styrene. They've now however, turned their hand to producing 1/35th figures which on first impression are quite good.
Another kit supplied in an end-opening box, with some nice box art on the front depicting the crew in a variety of poses, whilst on the back are painting instructions and this also serves as a construction guide. The styrene is presented in light grey, of average hardness, one large sprue, which as seems usual with MiniArt, is cut into two to fit the box. There is a very small amount of flash, but not enough to cause a problem.
The five figures included in the kit are broken down as you would expect, that is, main torso, two separate legs and arms, separate head, and if appropriate separate headgear.
The moulding on the main parts look exceptional. Very sharp, and very well-done indeed. The set includes 5 figures, four of which are depicted in service shirts and overall trousers, two with braces, two without, two wearing M43 field caps, and again, two without. The two without headgear obviously have full head of moulded hair, which looks nice, but is unfortunately spoilt by a moulding seam through the middle of each. Two of the figure are shown leaning with arms raised as if using a barrel-cleaning rod, which is 'sort of' supplied on the sprue, but will be better replaced with a scratchbuilt item. Another of the 'working' figures is shown on the illustration holding a socket extension, which is lablled as part B8, interestingly this becomes a small sledgehammer on the sprue, or you could use the small spanner which is also supplied. The fourth 'working' figure is depicted pushing the end of the rod.
The fifth figure wears a panzer jacket, sporting the an iron cross and what might be a wound badge, it's too small to tell, but both are probably better replaced by photo etched items anyway. Interestingly, this figure is supplied with a choice of right arms. On the illustration he is shown dring from a cantten (supplied) whilst holding his field cap in his left hand (not supplied), he is also bare headed. There is also another arm with a separate hand which can be depicted pointing. No mention is made of this on the illustration however!
in conclusion
A nice set from MiniArt, and at a more than reasonable price. Notwithstanding the differences in content from the box art, I can still recommend this to anybody wishing to dress up a working scene.
My Thanks to
MiniArt Ltd for the review sample.