by: Matt Leese [ ]
Another great kit from Legend Productions. This Set provides many nice accesories to fill up a Jeep. They'd also go a long way towards filling-up a 'Nam era Diorama very well too! (Oh Yeah! Ed. ~ Gunnie) Inside the Goodie Box This Kit includes: 5 wheels (4 1 spare) 1 set sandbags for Hood (over the folded windshield) 1 set sandbags for bed of jeep (mine protection) 1 ALICE pack 2 helmets 1 gas can 1 gas mask case 1 jeep mounted radio (PRC-75 I believe) 1 Backpack radio 1 Merimite food can ( for a hot lunch in the field) 1 Water Dispenser (for cool drinks) 3 c-ration boxes 3 c-ration cans (Yummy) 3 coke bottles 1 coke can 1 .50 cal heavy MG (complete with PE detailing parts!) 17 smoke grenades 1 M72 rocket launcher 1 AK-47 1 M-16 1 RPG 1 M-60 machine gun 4 .30 Cal ammo cans 1 20mm Ammo can 6 .50 Cal ammo cans (5 closed, 1 Open) 1 small sheet of Lead foil 1 length of Chain 2 sheets of PE details (1 for .50 cal & 1 sheet of Wire cutter & Misc..) Everyting is molded in a creamy tan resin. There's a lot of crisp detail molded in. The sandbags are even to scale (unlike some other sets). Some of the weapons are very fragile (my M-16's barrel was broken off) This kit gives you a lot of possibilites for loads or Dioramas. The instructions are minimal, but helpful.
The kit seems a bit pricey compared to the M1 Accessory Set. The MSRP is the same for both kits but, you get more in the M1 set. Nonetheless, it's still a very good value for the money.
About Matt Leese (matt) Design Drafter By trade.............Modeler and Woodworker for Fun. Got into modeling I don't remember exactly when.......... Copyright ©2021 text by Matt Leese [ ]. All rights reserved.