by: Chris Thompson [ ]
Part Four in what now should be known as “Chris’ Never Ending Search for Operation Iraqi Freedom Stowage”…or something like that. Long title notwithstanding, this is in fact the 4th different item from AEF that I have bought for my OIF dioramas and vehicles. It is supposed to be more stuff to clutter up a M2A2 Bradley, but will work with any other American vehicle you can think of (I think). Content This is a pretty large set, on two big resin “sprues”. But attached to these is a lot of good stuff It includes: 10x 25mm Plastic Ammunition Cans 5x 20mm Ammunition Cans1x “Bulk Pack” 7.62 Ammunition Box (translation: large ammo box) 2x TOW Missile Shipping Crates 5x Plastic 1 Handled Jerry Cans 4x Duffle Bags4x Sleeping Bags 4x Sleeping Pads 4x Camouflage Covered Ruck Sacks 4x C Ration Cases (MRE’s?) And also two items not mentioned on the websites contents description: 1 Hot/Cold Food Containe 1 Hot/Cold Liquid Container Whew! That’s a good bunch of stuff! A nice thing that I have noticed about AEF is that when they have a bunch of the same type of item (sleeping bags, packs, etc) they make sure that they are not all carbon copies, so that they can be place next too each other! I think that this is a very nice touch. Overall, I really like this kit, all of the molding is crisp and clean, with little to no extra resin “flash”. These along with my other new AEF sets are really going to help dress up my vehicles. This set is the most expensive of the four, and may be just a bit too expensive, but is has got so much good stuff that for me it was worth every penny.Another highly recommended set!Click here for additional images for this review.
About Chris Thompson (ctmi911) Copyright ©2021 text by Chris Thompson [ ]. All rights reserved.