The Yosci series is produced by Miniature Park, and all sculpted by Yoshitaka Hirano, a gifted sculptor who has recently produced figures for Dragon.
the figure
This figures is one of a series of 'Rider' figures, some of which have previously been reviewed on this site:
SS Panzer Rider - Machine Gunner
SS Panzer Rider - Officer
This figure is produced in Yosci's usual pale yellow resin, and consists of a a german SS soldier, sitted, holding his rifle upright, between his legs, with two hands. He is wearing either a helmet with balaclava, or field cap with balaclava as a choice of two heads is supplied. The figures comes as a main torso casting, with two separate heads as mentioned, and separate arms. On another poring block we have a Kar98 rifle, entrenching tool, water flask, and a choice of two bread bags, one with a rolled up zeltbahn attached and one without.
The casting of all the parts is extremely sharp, with really good detail being shown such as in the ammuniton pouches on the figure's belt, and in the stick grenade sticking out of his right boot. The two heads are attached to their pouring block by the top of their headgear, something I really don't like, however they cleaned up alright, but it does require a little work.
Regarding assembly, the joints in most cases were fine, and will require tiny amounts of filler if any. The left hand however, had no fingers and will need to be replaced completely. There are also two small straps moulded on to the bread bag to hang it from, and these were extremely fragile to clean up. I managed it, only for them to break whilst fitting it, so these are probably better replaced with lead foil also. You will also need to provide a sling for the rifle.
Although this figure has it's problems, I still like it and will use it, however, anybody else who wants one will have to go to the trouble of finding and then replacing the figures hands for the best effect. Recommended.